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Eleven Month TV & Film Production Class

Graduation personal with family and friends at the film studios

Film Access Academy primary premier 11 month course in TV and film production


 The program encompasses real life projects working with industry professionals.  Our students are receiving state of the art training, and some are entering their film productions in film festivals which makes it possible for the students to become award winning film makers before their 11 months have ended. (No student style film projects here.) When the students complete the 11 month course, they have already worked with directors, producers and have been a part of productions in real studios. This means they have already been exposed to the industry upon completion. 


Instruction, hands on training, real production credits and a internship exposing you to the normal production work flow of an actively working professional production company. Call and find out more valuable details that will make it clear that no institution film school in the world offer what we give you. Exactly what you really need to be attractive to jobs in films is our focus.  Call and set up a meeting with us at the Celtic Studios office that can get you one step closer to your future in films!

A minimum 18 years  of age
Cashiers check  tuition cost paid  before or at enrollment
Signing agreement of  eleven month course
Signing code of ethics agreement





Requirements  for Enrollments 

All Enrollments are scheduled at 10000 Celtic Drive 804 Baton Rouge, LA. 70809

During the enrollment meeting the recruiter documents the size of ordered crew shirts for training and finally , student enrollment is complete with student Celtic  Studios credentials/photo ID in hand. Students normally start the following week.  
Total cost for eleven months program $10,500

Student Testimonial Videos

Film Access Academy is clearly not only for exiting high school students.
 "If you can believe it you can achieve it!"
Listen to the truth out of the mouth of a woman looking to make a positive change in her life through independence!

 TV & Film Production School

Classes  have a total of two semesters per-course. Film Schools in Louisiana

Eleven month (Certificate) Pro-Film and TV Production course:

                                Per Semester $5,250  

One year (Certificate) Digital Journalism

Per Semester $4,250 

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What to expect!

Enrollment  meetings can be scheduled as early as the same or next day.  Once your tuition is secured in the enrollment meeting  we order 4 (Black) Film Crew Polo style shirts. Shirts  ordered in your size that you will attend class with  and in the field productions working with other professionals in the industry. On that same day you will get issued Celtic Studio's  credentials (Photo ID and gate entry /Studio building entry card.)  Final enrollment paper work signed, student ethics check sheet  signed and your ready to start as early as the following week! 

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